Rail Workers Safety Medical

Rail Workers Safety Medical Assessments


“I’ve been working on the railroad/All the livelong day”, goes the old American folk song. Things certainly were different, back when that beloved tune was written. For example, it’s now no longer legal to work for all of the livelong day on a railroad; the onset of fatigue would simply be too dangerous, and now, regular rests and breaks are mandated by law. How things have changed!

There are many other requirements for rail workers. For instance, under the Transport (Rail Safety) Act 2010, the transport operators on rail networks must have a program to manage the health and fitness of their staff. A big part of this is a Rail Safety Workers Medical assessment.

What is a Rail Workers Safety Medical assessment?

Medical assessments are vital for establishing that an employee is able to carry out the tasks required of them in their job. For tasks that depend on physical movements and attributes, a medical assessment demonstrates whether or not an employee is likely to encounter physical difficulties in their line of work. These are important in many different fields of industry, including transport and logistics.

A Rail Workers Safety Medical assessment tests for the physical attributes and abilities necessary for safely working on the rails. There are three different kinds of Rail Workers Safety Medicals, and each one applies to a different category of worker.

Book An Appointment

If you need a Category 3 Rail Workers Safety Medical assessment for yourself, an employee, or a candidate for a job, then the qualified team at Peak Motion Physiotherapy can help. Get in touch with our team to start the process.


What are the different categories for Rail Workers Safety Medical assessments?

The three different categories for Rail Workers Safety Medical assessments are broken down as follows:


Category 1

This category applies to rail safety workers who perform work that is classified as critical. Poor health in a Category 1 worker can be disastrous and result in serious problems for the rail network.


Category 2

This category applies to rail safety workers who, if they are suddenly incapacitated because of their health, will not have an impact on public safety.

Strength and conditioning

Category 3

The final category is for those workers who perform non-safety critical tasks. They must protect their own safety, and the safety of their colleagues, but the public would not be impacted if they had a sudden incapacitation.

**At Peak Motion Physiotherapy, we are only able to offer a Category 3 Rail Workers Safety Medical Assessment.

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